Love found in Doha.

Never got to meet this two, until the day of their engagement session. But I always felt I knew them somehow ☺ In the car, on the way to Mango Farm, I did a little interview and I asked Ray-An to tell me the story of how they met. You see, he is the quiet type while Marinelle does the chit chats. So I insisted that he tell me their story ☺

They met in Doha. An office mate of Ray-An who is also Marinelle’s flatmate, introduced them to each other ☺ They actually met in their flat, and if I remember correctly when she was introduced to Ray- An she ran to her room with a smile on her face and said “May gwapo” ☺ Weeks after they started dating! Now, 6 years together they are still very fond of each other and getting married this January!

Love is so funny. Witty in many ways! Surprises you and puts a smile on your face ☺ I think that is love for this two ☺ Cheers to you Marinelle and Ray-An!

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